Produce Distribution

In February 2021, Goodveg (Harbor Area Farmers Markets) launched their #healthyfoodprojectlbc campaign by partnering with local nonprofits and food advocates to distribute farm fresh produce boxes throughout Long Beach, CA.

Between February and April 2021, Black Farm Studio House Co. distributed ten produced boxes weekly pre-packaged with local fruits, vegetables, and other speciatly items from BIPOC businesses.
As we focused on black reproductive health and wellness, Goodveg provided us with boxes specifically packaged for birthing families and families in their post-partum.

Black Farm Studio House Co. was immensely blessed by this campaign, as we aided in the distribution of fresh foods to the community. 

We welcome and look forward to similar distribution partnerships in the future!

BLACK FARM STUDIO HOUSE CO. advocates for the health and wellness of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA2 communities.
California Mailing Address
506 S Spring St #13308
SMB #10586
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Virginia Mailing Address
700 E Main St #2487
Richmond, VA 23219